Daniel Libeskind

“Evolution museum that shows the visitors art history by leading
him through different culture epochs with the help of art
formula, creativity and innovations, will be a great attraction for
tourists and Americans in the USA.“

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Prof. Dr. Franz Müller-Heuser

“We examined the concept of the artopen very carefully and
noticed that the artformulaof D.W.Liedtke can also be applied
to music and history. We share his future-inspiring opinion that
the 4th dimension, the approach of understanding art and
music, will be enteredthrough the artformula in connection
with the multimedia exhibition artopen by all the people. Only if
everybody uses and trains his creative possibilities we are going
to be able to solve the problems of the future“

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Dr. Thomas Föhl

“Based on the method of conducting
scientific research by means of art and
philosophy, lost since the renaissance,
Liedtke is the first artist after almost 5
centuries to once more achieve art and
research results of the highest quality.”

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Dr. Herbert Jost-Hof

”Thus Lietdke‘s creative work reminds
of artists like Leonardo da Vinci, who used their creativity in
an interdisciplinary way in order
to eliminate the usual division between substance and spirit,
scientific cognition and artistic fantasy.
Liedtke‘s works, like those by da Vinci, reveal his prophetic
properties, show that his findings are years ahead of those of
scientific research. It‘s not yet clear
how such a thing is possible.
But there is decisive evidence that it is possible.“

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Prof. Niklas Luhmann

“The creativity formula is an evolutionary achievement.
Having been discovered and once it has been
Performed, she alone will do what she can. “

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Prof. Karl Ruhrberg

”Dieter Walter Liedtke´s Concrete Evolutionism opens new
revolutionary world to the observer. It shows how matter, which
up to now was only object and medium in artistic portrayal, for
its part could perceive its surroundings. This information has a
consciousness-expanding function.“

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Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schrenk

“The hereby enabled targeted intervention and rapid biocultural
evolution would probably by far overshadow all current
possibilities of cloning. Closely examined the art formula of the
art open.

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