
Manfred Kanther

I share your view that creativity and art should be made accessible to larger sections of the population and that the creativity of all people can make a positive contribution to coping with the future.

Manfred Kanther

((Former) Federal Minister of the Interior

Dr. Jürgen Rüttgers

Your project ideas show that you are thinking well about shaping the future through your artistic work. I wish you every success with your exhibition project..

Dr. Jürgen Rüttgers

(Former) Federal Minister of Education, Science, Research and Technology

Prof. Dr. Manfred Schrey

The art formula can also be applied to technology. Creativity and innovation lead to new products. Only new products ensure our survival in the future. The application of creativity and innovation counteracts the constant increase.

Prof. Dr. Manfred Schrey

Techn. Hochschule Köln

Prof. Dr. Franz Müller-Heuser

We have studied the concept of the exhibition art open in detail and found that Liedtke's art formula also applies to music and its history. We share with him the forward-looking view that through the art formula, in connection with the multimedia exhibition art open, the 4th dimension, the access to the understanding of art and music, is open to all people. Only if everyone applies and deepens their creative possibilities will we be able to solve the problems of the future.

Prof. Dr. Franz Müller-Heuser

President of the German Music Council and member of the UNESCO Music Committee

Phil. Prof. Niklas Luhmann

Liedtke's creativity formula is an evolutionary achievement. Once invented and introduced, it enables itself.

Liedtke modifies and dissolves the framework of known theories. His new scientific theories are at the same time the condition and product of their own operation. One could think of an evolutionary achievement that, once invented and introduced, enables itself. Transferring the result to the system of modern society, which puts its structures in force and out of force through decisions, we see a result of evolution. Liedtke's discoveries and works of art require the construction of an observer, God, for whom time is present as the totality of all times

Philosoph Prof. Niklas Luhmann

Prof. Joseph Beuys

I have come to the conclusion that there is not a single possibility to do anything for people other than from art. For this I need a pedagogical conception and I need an epistemological conception and I need to act. Well, there are three things that belong under one roof. The only revolutionary force is the force of human creativity ... The only revolutionary force is art.

Prof. Joseph Beuys

Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schrenk

This art formula as the core of the exhibition concept of art open fascinates not only art connoisseurs, but also contains statements of great explosiveness for natural historians. "" If the mechanisms for the transmission of knowledge and experience exist, they will also be accessible to scientific research. The resulting targeted intervention and the rapid acceleration of biocultural evolution would far outweigh all cloning possibilities today. Exactly describes the art formula of the art open

Dr. Norbert Blüm

Dr. Norbert Blüm

On the threshold of a new millennium, creativity and innovation have become the driving forces in our everyday lives. However, creativity has long since ceased to be an exclusive matter for art, but a challenge for all of us. Creativity is the bridge from the present to the future. The ambitious and exciting exhibition concept of art open 1999 shows that art promotes creative action and thinking, thus enabling a higher quality of life and a positive future

Dr. Norbert Blüm, 1998

ehem. Bundesminister DeutschlandsSchirmherr der art open

Michail Gorbatschow

Michail Gorbatschow

The publication and application of the formula will reduce poverty, terrorism and the dangers of war in the world. I hope that your groundbreaking approach will contribute to a wider and more direct acquaintance of many people with art. I think it is a particularly important and noble task in our time..

Michail Gorbatschow,

Friedensnobelpreisträger & Schirmherr der art open.

Prof. Karl Ruhrberg

Prof. Karl Ruhrberg

The nondefinable, inaccessible and indefinite, the nonexistent is what he wants to bring into today. Joseph Beuys said, "I came to the conclusion that there is not a single way to do something for people than out of the arts. For this I need an educational conception and I need an epistemological conception and I have to act. So there are three things that belong under one roof. "While J. Beuys researched things for the evolution of his" social sculpture, "social consciousness, Liedtke develops the epistemological conception, the pedagogical conception, and acts accordingly. Liedtke introduces the fluid transition from "social sculpture" into concrete evolution.

Prof. Karl Ruhrberg

Art book author and former director of the Museum Ludwig Cologne and the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

Prof. Dr. Harald Szeemann

Prof. Dr. Harald Szeemann

Dieter Liedtke's works are creative through and through.

The formula is today's revolution in art..

Prof. Dr. Harald Szeemann

International exhibition organizer (Documenta Kassel und Biennale Venedig)

Daniel Libeskind

Daniel Libeskind

An evolutionary museum that will make the cultural epochs of art history visible to all visitors by means of the art formula, creativity and innovations, will exert a great attraction on tourists and Americans in the USA.en

Daniel Libeskind

Architekt, New York


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