Prof. Karl Ruhrberg

”Dieter Walter Liedtke´s Concrete Evolutionism opens new
revolutionary world to the observer. It shows how matter, which
up to now was only object and medium in artistic portrayal, for
its part could perceive its surroundings. This information has a
consciousness-expanding function.“

“It is the higher manner of perception which he finds important,
not the detail. It is also reflected in the creative process, in the
fact that he seems to be negligent and intuitive with the materials.
This is a religious, metaphysical level of Dieter W. Liedtke.
The fourth dimension. The viewer perceives this philosophical
level by the holistic perception of his works. The natural scientist
perceives it as a level of information, which may open up new
approaches and theories for scientific experiments and new
paths to knowledge from Liedtke’s works.”
“Dieter Walter Liedtke’s artwork and the Universal Code have
consciousness-expanding functions. They open a new revolutionary
world to the observer.”
The visualisation of the Evolution of the arts across country
borders and spaces of time will open up new perspectives and
facilitate a new, untouched look far beyond all routine and
across the borders of the usual observation of art. Thus the permanent
evolution of arts, which is beyond all cliché imagination
of the so called revolution, was and is a long still continuing
and in the future pointing way and could become an optical
understandable experience.“

Prof. Karl Ruhrberg
Director of the Museum Ludwig (Cologne) President of the International
Association of Art Critics (Section Germany, AICA) Consultant of the Codigo
Universo Exhibition art open